beat365在线体育投注 Nursing Programs prepare professional graduates who meet essential nursing practice standards in a variety of settings, 照顾不同的个体, 家庭和人口. 这些课程强调包容的价值, 奖学金, 体验式和终身学习, 服务和跨专业伙伴关系.
护理课程的理念和目的源于使命, 365365体育在线投注的理念和目标. The faculty values the goals of higher education and supports the missions of teaching, 奖学金, 实践与服务.
Nursing is an art and science that is continuously evolving through the synthesis of theory and knowledge. 关怀和专业是护理实践的精髓. 作为一个整体性和人性化的职业, nursing is committed to addressing the individualized health-related needs of diverse clients Nurses 应用 the nursing process while using healthcare technologies, 证据, 批判性思维和临床判断,提供以人为本的护理. Nurses collaborate with other members of the interprofessional health care team in the delivery of safe, 高质量的, 对不同个体的文化敏感关怀, 家庭和人口, 重点是在复杂的医疗保健系统中改善健康结果.
The faculty believes in an equitable and inclusive approach to nursing education, 认识到每个学习者的独特性. The teaching-learning process involves a dynamic interaction among faculty, learner and environment. 教师认为学习是一种主动, 终身, 对专业人士来说,自我激励是必要的, 个人和领导力发展. 知识, skills and attitudes are best transferred using principles of good teaching and a variety of teaching methods in diverse settings. The beat365在线体育投注 faculty value service as an extension of learning that fosters the development of a sense of caring for others.